Impact Measurement

Outcomes Tracking: Increase Your Fundraising Results by 27%

Imagine having a secret weapon in your arsenal that could dramatically boost your fundraising efforts. What if we told you that this weapon is already at your fingertips, but might be underutilized? According to the “Money for Good” report, outcomes tracking is not just a box to check off—it's the golden key to unlocking a potential 27% increase in fundraising. If outcomes tracking isn’t already on your radar, it’s time to take notice because you might be leaving money on the table!
June 24, 2023

Outcomes Tracking: Increase Your Fundraising Results by 27%

Imagine having a secret weapon in your arsenal that could dramatically boost your fundraising efforts. What if we told you that this weapon is already at your fingertips, but might be underutilized? According to the “Money for Good” report, outcomes tracking is not just a box to check off—it's the golden key to unlocking a potential 27% increase in fundraising. If outcomes tracking isn’t already on your radar, it’s time to take notice because you might be leaving money on the table!

Outcomes Matter to Donors - A LOT 

Here’s a number to jot down: 85%. A staggering 85% of donors aren't just casually interested but genuinely care about the outcomes your organization is catalyzing. Picture this: when a neighbor lends you a ladder to fix a leaky roof, the sense of accomplishment they feel when you tell them the leak is gone and the house is dry? That’s the connection donors are seeking. They’re yearning for that tangible assurance that their hard-earned money is actually making waves.

Now, among these donors, there’s an elite group who take this to the next level. They’re the superheroes in the donor community - “High Impact” donors. These individuals are not just writing checks; they are on a mission. Their investment is fueled by a fervent belief in positive change. Their hearts are set on seeing the real-world miracles that sprout from their contributions. And guess what? They are drawn like magnets to organizations that can showcase solid, indisputable outcomes.

Your “High Impact” donors are ready to be your program's champions, but they need to see the heroes that emerge because of their support. Show them the lives that have been changed, the communities that have been uplifted, and watch as they become your most unwavering allies.

The Practical Upside: A Hefty 12% Boost in Support 

Hold on tight because here’s where things get really exciting. When you actively engage in outcomes tracking and then share these vibrant success stories with your donors, you can expect a surge in support. We’re talking about a potential increase of 12% in donations. You might think, “12%, that's decent,” but let's put it into perspective: for every $100, that’s an extra $12 that can be used for materials, support, or expanding your program. Multiply that by thousands, and we're talking about transformative possibilities for your organization!

The Downside: A Warning Sign - Don’t Lose 15% 

Now, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room. There’s a potential pitfall if outcomes tracking isn't taken seriously. If donors can't see where their contributions are making a dent, they might take their generosity elsewhere. This could translate into a worrying 15% dip in donations. That’s like letting go of $15 out of every $100 that could have been used to scale your impact.

The Grand Picture: A Whopping 27% Swing 

Let’s do the math: earn an extra 12% and prevent losing 15%, and what have you got? A monumental 27% swing in fundraising. Almost one-third more! Imagine the impact your organization can make with an increased budget of 27%. 

Here’s the Plan: Simple Tools, Big Changes 

We understand that “outcomes tracking” might sound like something that requires a statistics degree and a room full of analysts. But it doesn’t have to be! Firstly’s outcomes tracking software provides a full suite of tools to help you prove your impact to donors and attract more capital to scale your mission. 

“But what if I’m just starting out and don’t need a platform?” We believe that outcomes tracking is crucial at every stage, which is why we’ve created free, no-frills spreadsheets that are designed for the everyday hero, like yourself.

You don’t need to be a spreadsheet ninja. These tools will help you gather and organize the precious data that tells the story of your impact. And when it comes to sharing these stories with your donors, or reporting for grant requirements, you’ll have all of your information in one place.

Time to Roll Up Those Sleeves

Ready to make a change that counts? Dive into outcomes tracking and make it a part of your organization’s heartbeat. Keep those donors connected and let them be part of your success stories. This is a practical, powerful approach that can propel your funding to new heights.

Take the first step and grab your free tools today. Make every dollar count and let your impact echo through the lives you touch.

Start Your Journey with Firstly’s Free Outcomes Tracking Spreadsheets

Here’s to your amazing journey ahead,

The Firstly Team 🌱

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Outcomes Tracking: Increase Your Fundraising Results by 27%

June 24, 2023